Underground Magnolia Podcast
An arts, culture, and society podcast from an award-winning journalist.
Underground Magnolia Podcast
Chasing DNA and Family Roots - Part Two
"Chasing DNA and Family Roots Part 2," features Rene Worland, a family historian and archivist.
In more than 20 years of research this small business entrepreneur, living with her husband in the Los Angeles area, traced her family history in the United States and Canada.
Rene’s ancestors go back to the Jefferson Davis plantations in MS, the Civil War, the Native American Territory of Oklahoma, the Sharecroppers’ Roadside Demonstration in Missouri, the fight for social justice in Oregon, and entrepreneurship in the West.
Additionally, the Indiana University alum unearthed numerous family tree treasures including photos and stories about her ancestors in the archives of the Library of Congress, historical newspapers, documentaries, and local historical societies.
What’s interesting about Rene’s journey is that she set out to find her roots mainly in North America and not Africa, like many African Americans.
Find out more in the podcast!
For more information on topics mentioned in this podcast:
Henrietta Lacks: http://henriettalacksfoundation.org
Tuskegee Experiment: https://www.tuskegee.edu/about-us/centers-of-excellence/bioethics-center/about-the-usphs-syphilis-study
Music (In the order it was played):
"Jazz Addict’s Intro" by Cosimo Fogg
"Vintage Memories" by Schematist | http://www.schematistmusic.com
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
"Coffee Shop" by PYC Music | https://soundcloud.com/pycmusic
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-ND 3.0)
"Affection" by Sappheiros | https://soundcloud.com/sappheirosmusic
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
Underground Magnolia website: (https://www.undergroundmagnolia.com/)
Instagram: @UMPodcastDV (https://www.instagram.com/umpodcastdv/)
Twitter: @UMPodcastDV (https://twitter.com/UMPodcastDV)
Send questions/comments and requests to contact@undergroundmagnolia.com.
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